I rode horses – was a cowboy in the blood

Owned quite a few horses over the years.  My Daughter was big on the horse show circuit around Wilmington, NC.

Way back when we went to Hugh MacRae Park in Wilmington, NC.  They had a very large ring there for horses and shows.  On Memorial Day they would have a horse show.  Before the show they would play the National Anthem, some one would have to hold the flag.  One year I said I'd do it.  This was me before the National Anthem.


This was me during the National Anthem.  At first I walked my horse around the ring as the music played.  After one circle of the ring I ran my horse with the flag around the ring and stopped at the end of the ring.  I walked to the center of the ring and standing in one place had my horse rotate every 90 degrees until I completed a full circle at the last notes of the song.  One man stopped me afterwards and said it was the MOST moving display he had ever seen, he was crying when he said this.  It was grand, this is me doing it below...

Occasionally I rode in a GAMES competition.  These were events with barrel racing and pole bending.

How do you think a motorcycle guy is going to move on a horse?  Yes, fast...